Hospital Information Systems: A Survey of the Current Situation in Iran
Mohsen Pourali
Abbas Ghodrat Panah
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 115-119
Received: 8 November 2014
Accepted: 12 November 2014
Published: 17 November 2014
Downloads: 198
Views: 6252
Abstract: The main objective of hospital information systems (HIS) is to support hospital activities at practical, tactical and strategic levels. Computer based hospital information systems use computer hardware and software to collect, store, process, review and establish link with administrative data related to all hospital activities and to satisfy all the needs of clients. Considering the assessment and poll conducted in 2010 as well as the collected comments of physicians, hospital personnel, managers, researchers and computer engineering experts, HIS software in Iran consist of 10 organizational components and 10 service providing components with respect to domestic conditions. Study of HIS software providing companies in Iran during 2010 and their comparison with current status (2013) suggested that the number of HIS software manufacturing companies has experienced a 35% growth and the number of outstanding and desirable HIS sub-systems in Iran shows a 142% growth while the percentage of acceptable and rejected sub-systems has decreased by 18% in spite of the 35% growth in the number of companies.
Abstract: The main objective of hospital information systems (HIS) is to support hospital activities at practical, tactical and strategic levels. Computer based hospital information systems use computer hardware and software to collect, store, process, review and establish link with administrative data related to all hospital activities and to satisfy all th...
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The Magnetic Induction Communications for the Wireless Underground Sensor Networks
Farzam Saeednia
Shapour Khorshidi
Mohssen Masoumi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 109-114
Received: 6 November 2014
Accepted: 10 November 2014
Published: 12 November 2014
Downloads: 244
Views: 6329
Abstract: The most important difference between the wireless underground sensor networks (WUSNs) andthe wireless ground sensor networksis the propagation environment of the signal .In fact, the underground environments consist of soil, rock and water instead of the air. The challenging reasons of these environments to propagate the wireless signal via the Electro Magnetic (EM) 2waves are considered as: the high path loss, channel dynamic conditions and the high size of antenna. At the present study, the details of Bit Error Rate (BER) 3 for 2PSK modulation, path loss and the bandwidth of the Magnetic Induction (MI) 4Systems and Electro Magnetic (EM) Waveguide in the underground environment areevaluated. Meanwhile, a new method isintroduced via MI waveguide that provided the constant conditions of channel by the small inductive coils. At the end of this study,itisfounded that the transmission range in MI waveguide system would be raised and the path loss in that system would be declined severely.
Abstract: The most important difference between the wireless underground sensor networks (WUSNs) andthe wireless ground sensor networksis the propagation environment of the signal .In fact, the underground environments consist of soil, rock and water instead of the air. The challenging reasons of these environments to propagate the wireless signal via the El...
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Modeling and Prediction of Changes in Anzali Pond Using Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network
Farshad Parhizkar Miandehi
Erfan Zidehsaraei
Mousa Doostdar
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 103-108
Received: 3 November 2014
Accepted: 6 November 2014
Published: 11 November 2014
Downloads: 174
Views: 6069
Abstract: Iranian ponds and water ecosystems are valuable assets which play decisive roles in economic, social, security and political affairs. Within the past few years, many Iranian water ecosystems such asUrmia Lake, Karoun River and Anzali Pond have been under disappearance threat. Ponds are habitats which cannot be replaced and this makes it necessary to investigate their changes in order to save these valuable ecosystems. The present research aims to investigate and evaluate the trend of variations in Anzali Pond using meteorological data between 1991-2010 by means of GMDH, which is based upon genetic algorithm and is a powerful technique in modeling complex dynamic non-linear systems, and linear regression technique. Input variables of both methodsinclude all factors (inside system and outside system factors) which affect variations in Anzali Pond. Exactness of linear regression method was 78% and exactness of GMDH neural network method was more than 97%. As as result, exactness of GMDH neural network method is significantly better than regression model.
Abstract: Iranian ponds and water ecosystems are valuable assets which play decisive roles in economic, social, security and political affairs. Within the past few years, many Iranian water ecosystems such asUrmia Lake, Karoun River and Anzali Pond have been under disappearance threat. Ponds are habitats which cannot be replaced and this makes it necessary t...
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Color Image Encryption by Code Image and Hill Algorithm
Ali Moradmard
Mohammad Tahghighi Sharabiani
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 98-102
Received: 1 November 2014
Accepted: 5 November 2014
Published: 11 November 2014
Abstract: Today in a digital world, protection of information plays an essential role in message exchange and trading. Encryption is used to meet the security needs of safe transaction. Regarding the importance of the issue and the shift of traditional stage to digital stage, familiarity with encryption methods seems necessary. Different data have different methods of encryption. Images are also one type of data for which encryption is critically needed to prevent impermissible access. In this article, first a primary image is selected, then, based on the proportion of the image needing encryption, pixels from code image are picked and is being encrypted by a function. In the next stage, this proportion is being XOR-ed by the pixel proportion of the image needing encryption, and eventually the final proportion is encrypted by Hill Algorithm. MATLAB software has been used for studying the project, and efficiency of this method, in comparison to Hill Algorithm as a standard algorithm, is investigated. At the end, maintaining the image quality after decryption is evaluated by standards such as PSNR and SSID. The results indicate high efficiency of this method.
Abstract: Today in a digital world, protection of information plays an essential role in message exchange and trading. Encryption is used to meet the security needs of safe transaction. Regarding the importance of the issue and the shift of traditional stage to digital stage, familiarity with encryption methods seems necessary. Different data have different ...
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Integrating Type-1 Fuzzy and Type-2 Fuzzy Clustering with K-Means for Pre-Processing Input Data in Classification Algorithms
Vahid Nouri
Mohammad Reza Akbarzadeh
Alireza Rowhanimanesh
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 91-97
Received: 10 October 2014
Accepted: 14 October 2014
Published: 6 November 2014
Abstract: In several papers, clustering has been used for preprocessing datasets before applying classification algorithms in order to enhance classification results. A strong clustered dataset as input to classification algorithms can significantly improve the computation time. This can be particularly useful in “Big Data” where computation time is equally or more important than accuracy. However, there is a trade-off between computation time (speed) and accuracy among clustering algorithms. Specifically, general type-2 fuzzy c-means (GT2 FCM) is considered to be a highly accurate clustering approach, but it is computationally intensive. To improve its computation time we propose a hybrid clustering algorithm called KFGT2FCM that combines GT2 FCM with two fast algorithms k-means and Fuzzy C-means algorithm for input data preprocessing of classification algorithms. The proposed algorithm shows improved computation time when compared with GT2 FCM on five benchmarks from university of California Irvine (UCI) library.
Abstract: In several papers, clustering has been used for preprocessing datasets before applying classification algorithms in order to enhance classification results. A strong clustered dataset as input to classification algorithms can significantly improve the computation time. This can be particularly useful in “Big Data” where computation time is equally ...
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Automatic Persian Text Summarizer Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm
Elham Mahdipour
Masoumeh Bagheri
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 84-90
Received: 7 October 2014
Accepted: 11 October 2014
Published: 6 November 2014
Abstract: Automatic text summarization is a process to reduce the volume of text documents using computer programs to create a text summary with keeping the key terms of the documents. Due to cumulative growth of information and data, automatic text summarization technique needs to be applied in various domains. The approach helps in decreasing the quantity of the document without changing the context of information. In this paper, the proposed Persian text summarizer system employs combination of graph-based and the TF-IDF methods after word stemming in order to weight the sentences. SA-GA based sentence selection is used to make a summary, and once the summary is created. The SA-GA is a hybrid algorithm that combines Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA). The fitness function is based on three following factors: Readability Factor, Cohesion Factor, and Topic-Relation Factor. Evaluation results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed system.
Abstract: Automatic text summarization is a process to reduce the volume of text documents using computer programs to create a text summary with keeping the key terms of the documents. Due to cumulative growth of information and data, automatic text summarization technique needs to be applied in various domains. The approach helps in decreasing the quantity ...
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Utilizing Automatic Recognition and Classification of Images for Pattern Recognition
Mohammad Hadi Yousofi
Habib Yousofi
Sayyed Amir Mohammad Razavi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 80-83
Received: 27 October 2014
Accepted: 30 October 2014
Published: 5 November 2014
Abstract: Pattern recognition is a scientific approach for categorizing objects to class or subject numbers. These subjects need to be classified based on their applications (can be image, signal or any other type of measurements). Occupation, automation, military information, communication, industry and commercial applications and many other fields can benefit from Pattern recognition approaches. Perhaps, one the most important reasons that lead to pattern recognition prominent place in today's research studies, is the role of image auto-classifications. In this research, we investigate recent literatures about image auto-classification and image processing to identify patterns.
Abstract: Pattern recognition is a scientific approach for categorizing objects to class or subject numbers. These subjects need to be classified based on their applications (can be image, signal or any other type of measurements). Occupation, automation, military information, communication, industry and commercial applications and many other fields can bene...
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Solving Quadratic Assignment Problem Using Water Cycle Optimization Algorithm
Maryam Parhizgar
Farhad Mortezapour Shiri
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 75-79
Received: 24 October 2014
Accepted: 27 October 2014
Published: 3 November 2014
Abstract: The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of combinatorial optimization problems which devote some facilities to some locations. The aim of this problem is assignment of each facility to a location which minimizes total cost. Because the QAP is NP-hard, so it couldn’t be solved by exact methods. In recent years, meta-heuristic algorithms are used in solving NP-hard optimization problems increasingly. In this article Water Cycle Optimization Algorithms (WCO) is used to solve QAP. The implementation of proposed algorithms on standard test functions and also its result comparison with other meta-heuristics algorithms express algorithm`s desirable quality and its prominence to other meta-heuristics algorithms.
Abstract: The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of combinatorial optimization problems which devote some facilities to some locations. The aim of this problem is assignment of each facility to a location which minimizes total cost. Because the QAP is NP-hard, so it couldn’t be solved by exact methods. In recent years, meta-heuristic algorithms are us...
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An Introduction to Software-Defined Networking
Babak Darabinejad
Seyed Rasoul Mousavi Fayyeh
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 71-74
Received: 24 October 2014
Accepted: 27 October 2014
Published: 3 November 2014
Abstract: Although computer networks have spread worldwide, organizations that use networking technologies, have complained about the fact that no new feature has been added. Due to their newly emerged needs, they also prefer to automate many tasks. Moreover, they prefer their networks to be developed using software, rather than expensive and new hardware. Software-defined networking and Open Flow protocol separate data level from control level which makes the network smarter and more manageable. Network's main infrastructure is also separate from applications. This makes organizations to program, automate, and control networks more efficiently. In this paper we will introduce this technology by reviewing the literature.
Abstract: Although computer networks have spread worldwide, organizations that use networking technologies, have complained about the fact that no new feature has been added. Due to their newly emerged needs, they also prefer to automate many tasks. Moreover, they prefer their networks to be developed using software, rather than expensive and new hardware. S...
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Area and Depth Investigation of Anzali Pond Using Satellite Imageries and Group Method of Data Handling Neural Network
Farshad Parhizkar Miandehi
Asadollah Shahbahrami
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 67-70
Received: 21 October 2014
Accepted: 23 October 2014
Published: 31 October 2014
Abstract: Analysis of changes in natural resources is one of the fundamental issues in remote sensing. Several research studies regarding the process of changes in natural resources using satellite imageries and image processing techniques have been done. Anzali pond is one of the important ecosystems in Iran that under the impact of some factors such as drought has the gradual drying trend over the last years. This study measures the area of basin surface and predicts the process of changes in the climate of the pond neighborhood during the next years, using GMDH neural network. Satellite imagery and meteorological data is used for this analysis. The final results represent reduction in area from 82 km^2 in 1998 to 51 km^2 in 2010. The average depth of the pond decreased to less than 4m in 2010 from 9m in 1998. The main reason for this reduction is diversion of rivers, sediment entering and changes in land use around the pond. If this trend continues, the amount of pollutants and toxins will reach to warning and this is a serious threat for animals and pond dwellers.
Abstract: Analysis of changes in natural resources is one of the fundamental issues in remote sensing. Several research studies regarding the process of changes in natural resources using satellite imageries and image processing techniques have been done. Anzali pond is one of the important ecosystems in Iran that under the impact of some factors such as dro...
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Software Development for Identifying Persian Text Similarity
Elham Mahdipour
Rahele Shojaeian Razavi
Zahra Gheibi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 61-66
Received: 21 October 2014
Accepted: 23 October 2014
Published: 29 October 2014
Abstract: The vast span of nouns, words and verbs in Persian language and the availability of information in all fields in the form of paper, book and internet arises the need of a system to compare texts and evaluate their similarities. In this paper a system has been presented for comparing the text and determining the degree of Persian (Farsi) text similarities. This system uses TF-IDF method to give weight to sentences. Moreover, the roots of the nouns have been found and identical score has been given to synonyms and word families. The results gained from implementation indicate that the proposed system has a desired efficiency in comparing short texts.
Abstract: The vast span of nouns, words and verbs in Persian language and the availability of information in all fields in the form of paper, book and internet arises the need of a system to compare texts and evaluate their similarities. In this paper a system has been presented for comparing the text and determining the degree of Persian (Farsi) text simila...
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Presenting an Algorithm for Choosing an Optimum Local Service Based on the Qualitative Feature of Combining
Aalia Hemmati
Sima Emadi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 56-60
Received: 21 October 2014
Accepted: 23 October 2014
Published: 29 October 2014
Abstract: The combination of web services is the result of complex and increasing needs of the users and disability of single web services in resolving the users’ needs. One of the important challenges in the field of web 2.0 is the combination of web services based on their qualitative features. Since it is probable that there would be several different combinations of services for achieving a specific goal, choosing the service is based on some qualitative features like combining, availability, acceptability, service cost and security. One of the important issues is the quantitative survey of combining rate of the two services shared on the combination. So in this research, in the first stage, for measuring the combining rate, the effective factors on this feature would be surveyed. In the second stage, for choosing the optimum service based on the qualitative feature of combining, the local strategy is used. The proposed algorithm in local strategy selects services that their combining rate is more than a specific threshold. The implementations and analysis show that the proposed algorithm presents the optimum service in user's view with an acceptable combining capability. Also, the analysis of results and an evaluation with a case study show the optimized results of the local proposed algorithms compared to existing methods.
Abstract: The combination of web services is the result of complex and increasing needs of the users and disability of single web services in resolving the users’ needs. One of the important challenges in the field of web 2.0 is the combination of web services based on their qualitative features. Since it is probable that there would be several different com...
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A new Method to Detect Circles in Images Based on Genetic Algorithms
Navid Khalili Dizaji
Nazila Masoudi
Aidin Sakhvati
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 49-55
Received: 21 October 2014
Accepted: 23 October 2014
Published: 27 October 2014
Abstract: Object detection is one of the key issues in digital image processing. Over the years, many algorithms have been created for detecting meaningful objects on the image which are based on specific characteristics of object or complex mathematical methods. Circle detection is one of these types of methods. One of the best methods for circle detection on digital images and discussion of machine vision is the Hough transform. The Hough transform can be described as the transformation of a point in the x-y-plane to the parameter space. Parameter space can be defined by the shape of the object. Using the special character of each image in space, we are able to retrieve and extract the image circle. Importantly, this method is time consuming and a large amount of memory is required for the image. The undesirable features have reduced the popularity of this method. The idea of using genetic algorithm for detecting a circle in the picture is very attractive and functional. This method can be used in Robot Soccer, targeting systems and iris recognition. In this method, accuracy and speed are among important parameters. For example, in the case of robot, it should detect ball in monochromatic and sometimes crowded areas (due to accumulation of other bots around the ball). Using a genetic algorithm for circle detection on images, Hough transform weaknesses have been removed. It also increases the computation speed and accurate detection of circle. In this paper, the Hough transform method will be presented and then we will describe the process of implementing genetic algorithms to find a circle in the picture.
Abstract: Object detection is one of the key issues in digital image processing. Over the years, many algorithms have been created for detecting meaningful objects on the image which are based on specific characteristics of object or complex mathematical methods. Circle detection is one of these types of methods. One of the best methods for circle detection ...
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Segmentation of Cells from 3-D Confocal Images of Live Embryo
Ali Zeynali Aaq Qaleh
Seyyed Mahdi Haji Mirahmadi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 45-48
Received: 10 October 2014
Accepted: 14 October 2014
Published: 27 October 2014
Abstract: Partial-differential-equation- based segmentation has been employed to accurately extract the shapes of membranes and nuclei from time lapse confocal microscopy images, taken throughout early Zebrafish embryogenesis. This strategy is a prerequisite for an accurate quantitative analysis of cell shape and morphodynamics during organogenesis and is the basis for an integrated understanding of biological processes. This data will also serve for the measurement of the variability between individuals in a population. The segmentation of cellular structures is achieved by first using an edge-preserving image filtering method for noise reduction and then applying an algorithm for cell shape reconstruction based on the Subjective Surfaces technique.
Abstract: Partial-differential-equation- based segmentation has been employed to accurately extract the shapes of membranes and nuclei from time lapse confocal microscopy images, taken throughout early Zebrafish embryogenesis. This strategy is a prerequisite for an accurate quantitative analysis of cell shape and morphodynamics during organogenesis and is th...
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An Efficient Approach Toward Increasing Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime Using Novel Clustering in Fuzzy Logic
Morteza Asghari Reykandeh
Ismaeil Asghari Reykandeh
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 38-44
Received: 7 October 2014
Accepted: 11 October 2014
Published: 27 October 2014
Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of a large number of sensor nodes that are connected to each other. In order to collect more efficient information, wireless sensor networks are classified into groups. Classification is an efficient way to increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In this network, devices have limited power processing and memory. Due to limited resources in wireless sensor networks, increasing lifetime was always of attention. An efficient routing method is called clustering based routing that finds optimum cluster heads and finding the correct number of them in each cluster remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient method for clustering using fuzzy logic with four appropriate inputs and combine it with the good features of Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Simulation results show that our method is more efficient compared to other distributed algorithms, because the proposed method if fully distributed. The result show that compared to centralized, the speed is more and its energy consumption is less.
Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of a large number of sensor nodes that are connected to each other. In order to collect more efficient information, wireless sensor networks are classified into groups. Classification is an efficient way to increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In this network, devices have limited power proces...
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Malware Detection Using Data Mining Techniques
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 33-37
Received: 8 October 2014
Accepted: 11 October 2014
Published: 20 October 2014
Abstract: Nowadays, malicious software attacks and threats against data and information security has become a complex process. The variety and number of these attacks and threats has resulted in providing various type of defending ways against them, but unfortunately current detection technologies are ineffective to cope with new techniques of malware designers which use them to escape from anti-malwares. In current research, we present a combination of static and dynamic methods to accelerate and improve malware detection process and to enable malware detection systems to detect malware with high precision, in less time and help network security experts to react well since time detection of security threats has a high importance in dealing with attacks.
Abstract: Nowadays, malicious software attacks and threats against data and information security has become a complex process. The variety and number of these attacks and threats has resulted in providing various type of defending ways against them, but unfortunately current detection technologies are ineffective to cope with new techniques of malware design...
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Measuring the Qualitative Feature of Combined Services
Aalia Hemmati
Sima Emadi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 28-32
Received: 8 October 2014
Accepted: 11 October 2014
Published: 20 October 2014
Abstract: The combination of web services is the result of complex and increasing needs of the users and disability of single web services in resolving the user’s needs. One of the important challenges in the field of web 2.0 is the combination of web services based on their qualitative features. Since it is probable that there would be several different combinations of services for achieving a specific goal, choosing the service is based on some qualitative features like combining, availability, acceptability, service cost and security. One of the important issues is the quantitative survey of combining rate of the two services shared on the combination so that they have the ability to combine with each other, correctly. In order to measure the combining ability of services, in the first stage, the more number of effective factors on combining features of services are surveyed in comparison with the present methods. In the second stage, metric is introduced for the effective factors, and in the third stage, an appropriate weight for each factor is found and finally, based on their relationships with each other, a more accurate rate of combining is obtained.
Abstract: The combination of web services is the result of complex and increasing needs of the users and disability of single web services in resolving the user’s needs. One of the important challenges in the field of web 2.0 is the combination of web services based on their qualitative features. Since it is probable that there would be several different com...
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Improving Honeyd for Automatic Generation of Attack Signatures
Motahareh Dehghan
Babak Sadeghiyan
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 23-27
Received: 7 October 2014
Accepted: 11 October 2014
Published: 20 October 2014
Abstract: In this paper, we design and implement a new Plugin to Honeyd which generates attack signature, automatically. Current network intrusion detection systems work on misuse detectors, where the packets in the monitored network are compared against a repository of signatures. But, we focus on automatic signature generation from malicious network traffic. Our proposed system inspects honeypot traffic and generates intrusion signatures for unknown traffic.The signature is based on traffic patterns, using Longest Common Substring (LCS) algorithm. It is noteworthy that our system is a plugin to honeyd - a low interaction honeypot. The system's output is a file containing honeypot intrusion signatures in pseudo-snort format. Signature generation system has been implemented for Linux Operating System (OS) but due to the common use of Windows OS, we implement for Windows OS, using C programming language.
Abstract: In this paper, we design and implement a new Plugin to Honeyd which generates attack signature, automatically. Current network intrusion detection systems work on misuse detectors, where the packets in the monitored network are compared against a repository of signatures. But, we focus on automatic signature generation from malicious network traffi...
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A New Organization Model for Self-Organizing Multi-Agent Systems Based on Self-Adaptation Features
Amin Rahmanzadeh
Ali Farahani
Eslam Nazemi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 15-22
Received: 30 September 2014
Accepted: 5 October 2014
Published: 17 October 2014
Abstract: Complexity of information technology systems is increasing continually. A very good solution would be using agents in implementing and controlling these systems. Multi-Agent Systems are good examples of using agents for system control and implementation. On the other hand, Multi-Agent systems need to be controlled and managed too. Using organizations is one of the best solutions. Many research studies have been done in this field. In this paper we will try to introduce, explain, and compare some related works. We will extract their pros and cons. For the weaknesses of this research studies, we have proposed some solutions. In this paper we propose our model of organization, which implements Self-Adaptation features using Self-Organization and can improve extracted problems of existing models. Altogether, we have tried to analyze and compare some of main proposed models for Multi-Agent systems’ organization. Finally we have proposed a model to improve Self-Organized organizations of Multi-Agent systems.
Abstract: Complexity of information technology systems is increasing continually. A very good solution would be using agents in implementing and controlling these systems. Multi-Agent Systems are good examples of using agents for system control and implementation. On the other hand, Multi-Agent systems need to be controlled and managed too. Using organizatio...
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Parallel Image Processing Using Algorithmic Skeletons
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 10-14
Received: 30 September 2014
Accepted: 5 October 2014
Published: 17 October 2014
Abstract: In the last few decades, image processing has achieved significant theoretical and practical progress. It has been so fast that image processing can be easily traced in several disciplines and industries. At present, various methods have been proposed to implement image processing. The present paper aims to present a technique for image processing which utilizes design and analysis of parallel algorithms. It employs a new approach called “algorithmic skeletons” which is composed of a set of programming templates; hence facilitating the programmers’ work.
Abstract: In the last few decades, image processing has achieved significant theoretical and practical progress. It has been so fast that image processing can be easily traced in several disciplines and industries. At present, various methods have been proposed to implement image processing. The present paper aims to present a technique for image processing ...
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Effective Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Zeinab Goudarzi
Ahmad Faraahi
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
Pages: 1-9
Received: 18 September 2014
Accepted: 22 September 2014
Published: 27 September 2014
Abstract: Internet, from its beginning so far, has undergone a lot of changes which some of them has changed human’s lifestyle in recent decades. One of the latest changes in the functionality of the Internet has been the introduction of Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a new internet service, which involves virtualization, distributed computing, networking, software etc. This technology is becoming popular to provide various services to users. Naturally, any changes and new concepts in the world of technology have its own problems and complexities. Using Cloud Computing is no exception and has many challenges facing the authorities in this area such as load balancing, security, reliability, ownership, data backup and data portability. Load balancing is one of the essential factors to enhance the working performance of the Cloud service provider by shifting of workload among the processors. Proper load balancing aids in minimizing resource consumption, implementing fail-over, enabling scalability, avoiding bottlenecks and over- provisioning etc. Given the importance of the process of load balancing in Cloud Computing, the aim of this paper is to review the process and to compare techniques in this field.
Abstract: Internet, from its beginning so far, has undergone a lot of changes which some of them has changed human’s lifestyle in recent decades. One of the latest changes in the functionality of the Internet has been the introduction of Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a new internet service, which involves virtualization, distributed computing, networki...
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